

If you’re unaware of the happenings at University of Missouri, take a second to catch up here and the article from NPR”For months, now, black students at Mizzou have documented a series of incidents in which they were accosted with racial...
There are no innocent black people…

There are no innocent black people…

As authored by Greg Howard with The Concourse, what follows is another discussion around police brutality in the US. The catalyst for this article is the attack on a black female student by Officer Ben Fields, dubbed #AssaultatSpringValleyHigh.The video of the attack...

The Black-White Sleep Gap

As authored by Brian Resnick with National Journal:There exists an unexpected challenge in the quest for racial justice. In 2005  re­search­ers at the Uni­versity of Cali­for­nia, San Diego, began an ex­per­i­ment that would last five years. The...

From The Dartmouth

“Administrators, students condemn flyers promoting apparel featuring the Dartmouth Indian”On Monday — the federal holiday Columbus Day — posters advertising apparel featuring the Dartmouth Indian appeared in various residence halls on campus. Provost...